Kaushal Vyas
2 min readJun 2, 2024

#21 Levels Crossed! ✨🙌

Hello Everyone!

It is an honour and I am lucky to be alive with all my friends and loved ones, whom I can see or talk to daily.

21 Years have passed today for me and yet I still question what’s all this really for

Well, a concrete answer still doesn't exist, but we all get closer to it, daily! ✨

The most important thing I learnt this year was, working is equally important as enjoying. You cannot do only one thing and stay in peace. Working gives you the sense of achievement 🏆 and enjoying gives you the sense of reward 🎁 for the same work. So it goes hand in hand.

For example, it can take hours to cook a tasty dish. And the food may get over within 20 mins. But the satisfaction is immense. That’s how life works as well!

Another aspect I learnt was - if you bear a level of stress or pain, THAT DOES NOT mean it doesn’t harm you. It’s not the gym that I am talking about. Every situation that increases your cortisol levels, inherently hurts your body and you must be cautious about it at all times, for health is the only workable currency across all dimensions.

Thank you very much for all the wishes! Very grateful and honoured! ✨🫶

PS. Will be posting such a post every year, Sharing what I learnt the most in the past year! ✨✨

Kaushal Vyas

Computer Engineering Sophomore passionate about open-source, team-work, leadership and management. Dedicated to applying tech for global betterment. 🚀