Empowering Lives: My Journey with DKMS BMST Foundation India Stem Cell Donation Program

Kaushal Vyas
2 min readJun 12, 2024

I recently registered with the DKMS-BMST Stem Cell Donation Program, and I cannot emphasize enough the impact it can have on someone's life. Here's a glimpse into my experience and why I believe everyone should consider joining this life-saving initiative.

DKMS BMST Foundation India (aka Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei, Bangalore Medical Services Trust) is a non-profit organization that fights against blood cancer and other blood disorders.

Making the decision to register as a stem cell donor was driven by a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those battling life-threatening blood disorders. The simplicity of the registration process through DKMS BMST made it accessible, and the potential to save a life through a straightforward act was incredibly compelling.

Registering with DKMS BMST was a breeze. The process involved:

- Registering your details online.
- Receiving a Swab Kit at your address in 2-3 weeks
- And, resending your swab sample to the given address, in the prepaid envelope.

NOT a single rupee is spent in the process.

The instruction manual in the swab kit is extremely comprehensive and detailed, there is zero confusion on what needs to be done. It is a robust organisation with a very well-planned system.

For people who still aren't convinced to register, here are some stats:

- Every five minutes, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia.

- Leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood disorders affect millions of people worldwide.

- Globally, blood cancer claims the lives of more than 800,000 people every year.

DKMS BMST has registered over 65 million potential donors worldwide, giving hope to thousands of patients in need. Blood stem cell transplants offer a potentially curative treatment for many blood cancers, with success rates as high as 80% in some cases.

Even Abhi and Niyu talked about this initiative on their YouTube Channel: https://lnkd.in/dbkxwSBG

Head over to: https://www.dkms-bmst.org/

And become a potential stem-cell donor.

P.S. Share this post, spread the word, and let's turn the world into a giant network of potential lifesavers!



Kaushal Vyas

Computer Engineering Sophomore passionate about open-source, team-work, leadership and management. Dedicated to applying tech for global betterment. 🚀